HAHAHA! Oh boy this is scandalous.
I just loved the atmos. And it's was so fluid too.
But you get -6 for shrotness.
HAHAHA! Oh boy this is scandalous.
I just loved the atmos. And it's was so fluid too.
But you get -6 for shrotness.
Come give yer mum a kiss... on the sphincter. {:#
This series is a yes.
You get my full support. Almost everything in it is hilariously overdone. I especially liked the nipple piercings.
I hope someday you get this bunch to the telly so it can continue FOREVER!
thank you. i'll need your support when the revolution starts. fill a sock with doorknobs and meet us by the pier at midnight.
Wow you sure put tons of effort into this! I mean, tweening a simplistic boxhead up and down, reading stuff, flashing some images aaand... yeah, the lights in the backround.
Bored me to tears, thank you.
well not everyone can cause nightmares with their flashes.The deadline for this was a week.
lets go
Funn-hay! Everything in it was just a bunch of bollocks and violence. That's why you get only a six.
And bonus points for the teahcer's loose jaw.
the jaw was worth 4 points?
Actually I liked it quite a bit.
I can really see you had fun while making this. There's lots of abstract images and shapes going hand-in-hand with the groovy beat which is always a blast.
While the fbf could have a little bit more detail and polish, it's still better than lot of the work on this site. It looked very nice. With practice you'll some day animate miraculous things.
The only problem with the flash would be the repetitiveness at some points(like with the buildings), but that's not such a big of a deal. I liked the ending too.
Overall: Ghewd jawb! I give you six stars to lower your average! :D Hahaha!
It's an upside-down six, you silly cabbage. :D
And thanks for the support. It really does mean alot when it comes from the person who inspires you. :)
I'll work on polishing up the FBF here and there on my next project. Hope you get to see that, too. :)
Needs moar incest.
It had good variety of different kinds of jokes, which is a good thing, but there were too little incest jokes.
I noticed even a couple of anti-humour jokes in there, which is a must in every professional joke collection.
I'd given you guys a ten, but the music stopped playing while I was reading, so I'll just give you a six.
I got the the 'weird' joke about pedophiles and cumming on faces from a post you made in a thread called 'Sick jokes are awesome'. A thread a made, which doesn't say much for my life.
I now know how you sound like.
Hahah! For a spammy flash this one's quite funny. Not the funniest one, but still made me chuckle. And now I also know where you live. :D
I'm glad you really enjoyed it. ;)
And I live in England and you live in Finland yayayayayayayaaa! :D
Anyway, thanks for the review. I may make more. Not sure. Meh.
The insanely good fbf animation blows my mind. You've really done some work with this. The backrounds are top - notch and even the main character- thingy is awesomely drawn. Also the whole idea of the flash is good too.
The only bad thing with this is the music which stops in the middle of everything, and the unimaginative sound effects.
Overall: Amazingly well animated and drawn short with decent story and ending, lacking in the voice and music.
Thank you for having you praise. To be sure, the portion of sound effects needs to improve. Thank you for the indication.
I read the books.
Age 38
Something else
The roof
Joined on 10/28/05