Ohohho! I had to laugh trough the entire flash. FUNNAY!
You know, even though the animation needs some serious smoothing, the shit is hilarious as cock.
Ohohho! I had to laugh trough the entire flash. FUNNAY!
You know, even though the animation needs some serious smoothing, the shit is hilarious as cock.
No need for improving.
This is the pinnacle of Newgrounds. The very best!
awww..... thanks matey!
Back on track
I have to say that I was a bit disappointed of the last Madness, but this one was a huge improvement. I mean, it was kinda the same in the beginning. But turned into gold when he got the chainsaw. Good show!
Looking good.
Whoa dude! Nice job with the frame per frame. You can definitely congratulate yourself on that. Maybe, one day you'll end up working to Disney or something. You have an inspirational life ahead of you.
Looking forward to your future flashes. Keep it up.
PS. nemesis646 is a orphan-infested fag, who has a levitating dick!
Born in the boring.
This movie is what? A DBZ style stickfight with 3 different angles and the duration of 20 seconds, that's what. There's a summary of your short film.
It actually is as boring as the summary, the graphics are bland, the music is repetitive and annoying and the characters are, well, STICKS! The animation was averagely good, though.
Clay people are fighting. Yay?
Your problem is that fighting clay men has been done so many times that there just is nothing interesting in this flash. sure, the ending puts a small smile on your face, but the whole product is overall boring. Maybe get some more story in it.
The voiceacting was retarded, by the way, and the style of the claymen is too common for it's own good. This flash bores me.
Marked for deletion (old)
Pretty funny, quite fast. Had a bunch o' stuff from 4chan. Well done, this kept me entertained for the whole time I was watching it.
The animation: fluid, the music was appropriapretrpe and overall this is a pretty good flash!
We don't need no war machine, or your bloody dolla
It's odd that almost no-one has seen this even thought it's such a high-quality flash. I mean there is a story, the graphics are great and the animation is awesome. Apparently this kinda stuff ain't too popular, then.
Well what else can I say? This is such an underrated movie. Mayve i'll watch it one more time.
I read the books.
Age 38
Something else
The roof
Joined on 10/28/05